Currently, this page is not updated automatically. Please use the new page.
<JA | EN> <Only Japan pref | with foreign countries | with US states | daily new cases | new COVID-19 graph page >
(LAST UPDATE: 2020-07-02 14:30:10 +0900)
  • Tokyo Max and AVG from March/29 are based on the Tokyo governor press conference at March/30 Night. Summarize and initialize on the Semi-log graph.
  • This web page is inspired by Financial Times: "cumulative number of cases, by number of days since 100th case"
  • This web page uses data from COVID-19.csv file, J.A.G JAPAN for Japan, and data from CSSE at Johns Hopkins University for except Japan countries.
  • The system of this web page automatically downloads the CSV file from J.A.G JAPAN. If there are any changes, it updates the data within 30mins.
  • The ruby scripts of this web page are on GitHub.
  • The content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and you can link freely.

  • If you have any questions or requests, please feel free to let me know via my Twitter account. @yoshiro_mihira
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